Debate: Is chess a sport?

Chess has been a beloved game for centuries, with roots that can be traced back to ancient India. Over the years, it has evolved and gained popularity around the world, becoming a fixture in homes, clubs, and competitions. However, one question remains: is chess a sport? The answer to this question is controversial and has … Read more…

History of Chess: Inventor & Origins

Chess has been a favorite board game for centuries. People around the world have been fascinated by the game’s challenging and strategic gameplay, which has continued to evolve and grow in popularity over time. Yet, despite its widespread popularity, the origins of chess and its inventor remain shrouded in mystery. The history of chess is … Read more…

Is Lichess Good for Learning Chess?

Chess is a game of skill and strategy that has been around for centuries. With the widespread availability of digital tools, chess has become more accessible than ever before. Lichess is one of the most popular digital platforms for playing and learning chess. It is free, open-source, and offers a wide range of features for … Read more…

Can You Have Multiple Lichess Accounts?.

Lichess is a popular online chess platform that offers a wide range of features for its users, including playing chess games, puzzles, and tournaments with other players from around the world. While Lichess users generally have only one account, some might wonder if it’s possible to have multiple accounts. In this blog post, we’ll explore … Read more…

Detecting Chess Cheating on Lichess

Certainly! Here’s the text for the first paragraph: Lichess is a free and open-source online chess game that has gained popularity among players of all levels. The platform offers various game modes, including bullet, blitz, rapid, and classical chess, and features a user-friendly interface that is accessible to players from all over the world. However, … Read more…

Lichess vs Comparative Analysis

Chess is a fascinating and challenging game that has been enjoyed by millions of people for centuries. With the rise of the internet and technology, chess enthusiasts now have the opportunity to play and compete against other players from all over the world. Two of the most popular online platforms for this purpose are Lichess … Read more…

Improve Chess Skills: Guide to

Chess is an excellent game that challenges players to think critically and strategically. Improving your chess skills can help you sharpen your mental abilities and enhance your decision-making skills. is a popular online platform that provides a range of resources to help players learn and practice chess. Whether you are a beginner or an … Read more…

The World’s Longest Game of Chess

Chess is a game of strategy and intellect that has been beloved for centuries by enthusiasts of all ages. At its core, chess is a contest of imagination and logical reasoning that challenges players to plan and anticipate their opponent’s moves. Throughout the years, numerous games of extraordinary length and complexity have been recorded. However, … Read more…

Discover Your Chess Playing Style

Chess is a game with a rich history of intense mental battles between opponents. It involves the use of strategy, tactics, and careful evaluation of moves. The game has evolved over the years, and there are now many different styles of play. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, understanding your playing style … Read more…

The 50 Move Rule in Chess

Chess is a game that requires strategy, foresight, and patience. As a player, there are numerous rules and regulations to keep in mind to win, and one such rule is the 50 Move Rule. This rule applies to all types of chess matches and dictates that if 50 moves are played by each player without … Read more…